Reading the title, you might be thinking oh, here it comes again as it is probably the most common thing nowadays.
This is something that everyone might go through at some point in their life but feels shame when it comes talking about it. Depression was the problem since long ago, but I guess it wasn't this common. Of course, because of the times we are facing since last few months. Sometimes we don't even realise that we are suffering through depression because we are unaware of it.
We don't really know the symptoms of it and hence we don't realize suffering it. Usually people need a psychiatrist to deal with it, but the name psychiatrist is so damn scary. It is so scary because the image in everybody’s mind for this field of doctor is the doctor who treats the mental, hence some people are not even ready to accept that yes, I'm suffering through it.
Depression is the disorder ness of your feelings. You feel lonely, anger, hopeless. It feels like killing yourself and all these feelings comes repeatedly. You get sleepless nights and you feel like it's hell in here. All these feelings that we face can be due to several reasons that everyone faces now or then in their life.
Hence, it's common, it occurs to everybody and it's a task to fight. There is no need to look at it in an incurable way. Yes, we can come out of it. It's just we need a little help. The help that we all are seeking inside and the help that we all can do. For this, we need to be open to one another. Spread kindness. Please come out your phone. Spare a second to ask one another if they are doing okay. This is not something that only adults go through. It can happen to your children, parents or grandparents. All we need to do is to come face to face. Remove barriers. Look out the actions of others. This is a battle that we all need to fight together. Let's open our minds. Let's not think of it as a taboo. Let's find a vaccine to it which already exists. Let's treat this. The vaccine is us helping one another. Let’s tell one another that it is okay to feel this way, it's okay to seek help, it's okay to take sessions, it is really okay.
Lastly, we all have right to live a very happy and joyful life. And trust me, life is beautiful and hence, it’s very important to treat this. Let’s laugh together, let’s love one another, let’s enjoy this beautiful place we are in. Let’s feel free.